Saturday, February 2, 2008

New Couch

Kelly reminded me that I haven't posted pictures of our new couches. We are really loving them. I now enjoy sitting in the living room, when I used to dread it after a while. I don't know if the pictures are clear enough, but the fabric is olive green-ish and the pillows have a lot of nice muted colors in them. Mitch actually slept on the couch a few nights ago because his legs were bothering him, and he loved it. (I don't know if that's a good thing or not.) So (drumroll) here they are:

They make our end tables and coffee table look very small, but it's ok for now. And our carpet even looks good. Who knew?


Harmony said...

They look great! I'm sure you are enjoying something much better than those old ones. :) You reminded me that I need to post pictures of my new couch also.

Laura said...

Congrats on the couches!