Friday, June 20, 2008

Visits and other random things

So yes, I did survive last week without Mitch here. Jacey and I had a good time together. I realized that having a kid to take care of and keep me busy helps to pass the time. Thursday night my parents arrived to visit for a long weekend. It was great to see them, and Jacey especially loved all the attention. Dad hadn't seen her since January, when she wasn't doing anything other than the newborn duties - eating, sleeping, and pooping. He was able to get in the floor and play with her. They also brought some of my old toys which were really fun to see again. Jacey was glad to have some new things to play with. (We're too cheap to buy new toys.) Mitch arrived Saturday night, tired but happy to be home. And very tan. We went to the pool Monday and Mom and Dad loved watching Jacey splash and generally wear herself out. They headed home Tuesday after we had a great time together. (Pictures to come later.)

Mitch and I have recently been on an enivronmentally-friendly kick. We've started recycling more, using canvas grocery bags, and buying all-natural cleaners. I have to say that so far I've been surprised at how easy it's been. We bought 3 canvas bags from Walmart to cut down on the plastic bags we were using. They're amazing! Our groceries using can fit in all three, with maybe one or two extra bags needed. It make my life easier because I don't have to go through 15 bags to empty my groceries. I also bought the Green Works cleaner, and it is great. It cleans better than most products, and it smells like limes. Yum. Anyway, so there's my plug for the enivronment. Whoo hoo!

On a completely different subject, Jacey loves macaroni and cheese. For lunch today she ate a banana and some of a tuna fish sandwich. But when she saw that we had made mac and cheese, she refused to eat anything else. I think she ate about 1/3 of my macaroni. It was amazing. She can really put down the food when she wants to.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer is here

Sorry it's been awhile since my last update. We have definitely started summer, both in terms of the weather and work load. Last week we all headed to 6 Flags with 40 Jr. High kids and sponsors for 3 days of fun. It was a great, uneventful trip. Jacey loved the pool, the 3 rides she could go on a 6 Flags, and the awesome waterpark. She played hard until she just about fell asleep sitting in the water. It was cute.

This week Mitch is in Houston, sweating, with our high school kids. They work with little kids from the inner city at a camp about an hour out of Houston. It's very rewarding, and also very exhausting. While he's away Jacey and I have just hung out together. Monday I got a fever/virus and was pretty miserable with no one to take care of me. But I survived, of course, and now we're getting things ready for Grammy and Gramps (my parents) to come a visit for a long weekend. It's been a very long time since we've seen both of them, so we're looking forward to a good time. Jacey is getting a little tired of seeing just me, so they will definitely brighten her day.