Monday, February 4, 2008

Last night we had a great Super Bowl party with the teens. There was a ton of food (2 lb of sausage balls and a 24 inch pizza for starters), lots of people, and lots of fun. About 25-30 people came and went throughout the evening. And most of them were rooting for the Giants, so it was an especially good night.

Sundays are typically very difficult days on Jacey, and thus on Mom and Dad as well. She now wants to be a part of things and is always looking around at what's going on. And as a result she doesn't sleep as much during church, lunch, etc. Luckily 30 kids in the house made her too distracted to be grumpy last night.

Part of her grumpiness is from a change the way she goes to sleep. For the past 5 months I've put her to bed with her legs swaddled, mainly because she slept better. However on Saturday she figured out how to roll from her tummy to her back. When I put her to bed that night, she proceeded to flip herself 180 degrees in the other direction. While being swaddled. So I promptly decided the blanket in the crib with her was probably not the best idea. Strike #1. Strike #2 came because she only can roll to the right. And the crib is only so big. She didn't like having something stop her progress. Fortunately she did go to sleep. Eventually.

It's very fun to watch her roll across the room. I'm still terrified of having a mobile child, mainly because I don't know what to expect. But I've made it this far, I'm sure I can survive. :)


Harmony said...

Mobility is fun but more of a challenge for sure. Reese is crawling now so I have to remind myself to pick up every little thing off the floor because she can get to it and stick it in her mouth now. Enjoy the time.

Charlotte said...

love the new couch!!!! and yay for jacey rolling over! haha you do fine with a mobile baby.. youre super mom! =)

Kristina said...

Thanks for the comments they were very encouraging, like 3 weeks ago! I'm terrible at reading and responding to them in a timely manner. I like your new couches, and I bet you are having so much fun now that Jacey is starting to become mobile! It will be okay, you're a great mom and you will find the energy to keep up! :)