Thursday, January 31, 2008

Roll Over, Beethoven!

Ok, maybe not Beethoven, but definitely Jacey. That's right, she finally rolled over (from back to tummy)! She worked for about two weeks arching her back and looking behind her. She could even do it when she held on to our fingers for a few days. Two nights ago she looked at me, swung her hips over, and tucked those arms in. And ended up on her tummy. I've been worried about going to the doctor for her 6 month check-up and having to tell the doctor she hadn't rolled over yet. But no worries! Now whenever I lay her on her back she'll roll over in a few minutes. It's really quite adorable. The only problem now is that she doesn't like being on her tummy for very long.

She's also loving food. I have to admit I am too. It's so much fun to feed her. I'm also making her baby food right now, and it's a blast. I also thought that baby food was disgusting, but now that I know what's in it, it's not that bad. Personally, I actually think I make really good applesauce. I have a wonderful cookbook that makes it easy to know how to make the food as well. And it's cheaper. So everyone is happy.
Here's a few pictures for everyone:
Jacey usually takes an evening power nap, and it's prime-time cuddling for Mom and Dad.
My musical child? She loves listening when we play the piano. She sometimes even dances in my lap.

She loves reading now and looking at the pretty pictures.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Rumbly Tummy

Jacey has now officially had her first taste of food. Yesterday I decided to pull out the carrots and make her some carrot cereal (carrots with rice cereal, yum!). As I was trying to puree the carrots, I realized our blender wasn't going to work, since it was made for larger quantities. So Mitch and I headed to Amarillo last night to shop a little bit, and we came home with a Magic Bullet, which is supposed to change your life (at least in the kitchen). Today I successfully made Jacey carrot cereal, and she loved it. She almost ate 2 servings full.

On our shopping adventure we also stumbled across two new frying pans in our set on sale for $49. Now, we knew we were needing new ones, but we didn't really plan on spending the money for them. However, those pans are usually $129. So we splurged. I figure $25 a piece really couldn't be beat.

We also went to Best Buy, Mitch's all-time favorite store. And we came home with 2 movies (off of a gift card) and a new sound system for the youth room. It's the first purchase of many for the youth room. Someday soon the kids are going to go up to the room and wonder what has happened. Hopefully that'll be a good thing.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

An update

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. We've had a busy holiday, and I just didn't have the energy to blog. But now we're home and enjoying a lazy Saturday afternoon, so here's what's been happening with us.

We spent a great Christmas day here at home. It was the first Christmas we've spent in our own home since we've gotten married, and we had fun spending it together. Jacey helped me open her presents, since she can grab things very well now. After lunch we started packing up things for our trip to Nashville. Mitch was so ready for the vacation. I was a little worried about how Jacey was going to do traveling in the car for a day and a half, but she was such a good trooper. Mitch and I decided to just take it easy, and however long it took was ok. We arrived there at about 2 on Thursday.

The last visit to Nashville back in October was very hectic. We all wanted to just take things easy and relax. I didn't see everyone that I wanted to this time, but the family time was priceless. Mitch and I even went on our first date in four months! We definitely did ourselves a disservice by not going on a date earlier, and have resolved to go on one at least once a month now. Christmas with my family was great too. We were spoiled and loved it. Mom and I now have webcams so that she and Jacey can get to know each other even though they're apart. Charlotte got an Xbox 360 for Christmas, so she and Mitch played Guitar Hero III and Halo 3 most of the week. They were a blast to watch. No one plays Xbox with Mitch so well, not even me.

For New Year's Eve Charlotte invited all of her college friends to dinner and a sleepover. They wanted an excuse to dress up (mainly the girls did, I'm sure) and to see each other over the break. She cooked a really good batch of lasagna and peppermint ice cream cake. She also looked great, I might add, thanks to some help from her big sister. We got her a complete outfit in about and hour and a half (jewelry and shoes included!). The next morning we figured out that about 15 people slept over that night, including ourselves.

On Wednesday we headed to Atlanta for the National Conference on Youth Ministries (NCYM) and hooked up with Shawn and Katie Frazier for lunch. It's so nice to be able to see them now that they live in the Nashville area. Mitch and I both miss all of our Harding friends, and look for any opportunity to get together. They are both doing a wonderful job as teachers at Middle Tennessee Christian. That evening we arrived in Atlanta and really enjoyed the next three days. Mitch got some good ideas, but also connected with a lot of people he hadn't talked to in awhile. I love watching him and knowing what a good job he's doing. Jacey's schedule (and her learning that she has a voice) didn't allow me to do a lot of things, but I was able to go to one class on "preparing your daughter for every woman's battle." Basically it was how to prepare your daughter to be sexually pure. Sometimes having a little baby makes you forget about the lessons you as a parent are going to have to teach later on. I learned many valuable things that will hopefully help Jacey and our future children.

By Saturday we were ready to start towards home, so we returned to Nashville to do some laundry and rest up for traveling. We made it home on Tuesday and were so glad to see our beds. Right now we're mainly caught up with rest and taking care of things, but Jacey's having difficulty taking her afternoon nap. She cried for an hour or so both Wednesday and Thursday. She did ok yesterday but today reverted back. She's just not able to put herself back to sleep without a lot of help. I'm not suprised, since she had a stressful two weeks. It's just hard to know what to do and when to pick her up and not create bad habits. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon.

Our big Christmas present arrived on Wednesday...our new couch and loveseat! We are now finally grownups. At least that's what it feels like. They're very pretty and very big. We are loving them. Anything is better than a worn-out old futon.

Well, that's what's been happening these past few weeks with us. Hopefully I'll have some pictures for you soon.