Monday, November 5, 2007

It's been awhile...

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. We've had a very full few weeks. A couple of weeks ago we flew to Nashville to visit my parents. It definitely was a whirlwind trip, but a very enjoyable one. Jacey got to meet most of the family and some friends too. We even got an adorable 4 generation picture with my grandparents. Jacey was pretty spoiled all week, but handled it well, of course. She even enjoyed the airplane, since it incorporates the best things in her world: being held my mom & dad, eating a lot, and white noise.

Halloween was great. It was one of the most perfect Halloweens I've seen in awhile. The trees were turning colors but hadn't lost their leaves, the sun was shining, and the air was a little crisp. Jacey and I got a cold but still had a blast. She went as a bumblebee (pictures coming soon,) and the antennas were the best part. I'm sure she'll hate us for making her wear them in about 15 years.

This past weekend we went to Hooker for their youth rally. I ask Mitch every year if he is excited about going "home," but to him it's not really home anymore. Which is very understandable with all that has happenedsince they've moved away. But once he sees the land he grew up on, he gets this cute goofy smile. I love watching it every year. We enjoyed seeing the members of the church there and showing off Jacey. Mitch did a great job leading singing, and I think everyone had a great time.

Before we left for the youth rally, the coolest piece of technology I've ever owned arrived. How cool is it, might you ask? So cool it toook Mitch and I 5 minutes to figure out how to turn it on. Yes, I got a new cell phone, the Blackberry pearl. It is a phone, organizer, calendar, note taker, music player, and anything else I could ever want it to be, all in one. I used to think I didn't need all those things in a phone. Because a phone is just that, a phone. But after having Jacey, I've forgotten so many commitments that I just had to do something. And it's wonderful. Mitch is very jealous.

Pictures of the past few weeks coming soon!


Harmony said...

A bubblebee! I can't wait to see pictures. I'm glad you had a good trip to Nashville. Showing off a baby is always great fun.

Charlotte said...

Its about time you updated!
Cant wait til Christmas! Bring more recipes! Give Jacey my love! Love ya!