Friday, November 16, 2007

The Father's love

After a particularly difficult day today with Jacey, I sat rocking and feeding her thinking about my love for her. Days like today are fairly rare. She usually plays, naps, eats, and smiles right on schedule. Today she took a good morning nap, and then a short afternoon one. She woke up early, which meant she was grumpy. After spending 2 hours screaming and crying, she went to sleep, only to be woken up again in 20 minutes by our dog barking. Needless to say, my emotions were spent. (Luckily I have a wonderful, forgiving, and patient husband.) And I love that child more than I can possibly imagine. I used to wonder how my parents felt about me. Not that I wasn't absolutely positive they loved me, but I wondered what it felt like to have a child of my own. What kind of love is it, and what does it feel like? To be honest, I can't describe it in words. Awesome, consuming, fulfilling; these are a few adjectives, but they don't paint the whole picture. I really would do anything it took to make her happy and healthy. And I would fight anyone or anything that threatened her. I understand now the Father's love. I can barely fit my love for Jacey inside myself; God feels that for every single person.

That's just amazing.

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

Good post. I dont know what that kind of love it like, but someday. =) It was good to talk to you the other day.. we will make it more often I hope. Sorry if I talked your ear off! =)