Thursday, September 27, 2007

One thing I've learned by living here is that life is unpredictable. We aren't guaranteed that tomorrow is going to work out like we planned. Case in point: Mitch called yesterday and said he was at the hospital with a family from church. The father was a diabetic and hadn't felt good that morning. He stayed home, and that morning he passed away. His wife, who was at home the whole time, came in a found him not breathing. The doctors believe he was having a heart attack, and the symptoms of the diabetes masked it. He left behind his wife and two sons, one of which is a senior in high school. Please pray for them.

In other news, Jacey is going through a growth spurt. She's 6 weeks old now, so I was expecting it. She eats every 1 to 3 hours, and has slept all morning, poor thing. Luckily for us she did make it about 8 hours last night between feedings. It's amazing to actually get sleep!

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