Thursday, March 13, 2008

An Update

Thank you to everyone who has mentioned they're thinking of me. I told Mom a few days ago that you really know if you're liked when you get hurt or sick. So many people have offered help, food, and prayers. It's wonderful.

I went to the doctor on Tuesday. Mitch and I were very impressed with everything they did. We had a ton of questions, and they actually answered them in a kind, understandable way. We felt a lot better. The doc examined my knee, but he couldn't really tell exactly what was messed up. His guess was that I for sure hurt my MCL (on the inside of your leg) my miniscus (the cartilage that cushions your knee), and possibly my ACL. We had the MRI done that evening, but we won't know the results for a few days. He also drained some of the fluid out of my knee (which was totally cool btw), and said that I definitely had more than a sprain. Duh. Worst case scenario is that I fractured my tibia and can't put weight on it for a long time. Best case is that I can put pressure on it (no crutches!) and wear my knee brace around until surgery. Hopefully we'll know something by next Tuesday. They typically don't do surgery for a couple of weeks so that the swelling can go down and they have better visibility while repairing things. I'll keep everyone informed as soon as we know something more.

In the meantime I'm feeling better every day. The crutches have given me some sore muscles, but nothing terrible. I'm ready to be back to normal, but I'm making myself enjoy the down time. And the pampering. Pray for my Mom too, because she's working her tail off. She probably hasn't done this much laundry and cooked this much in a long time. She's wonderful.

Mitch is gearing up to go on the ski retreat this weekend. Hopefully all the kids that are going still want to go, and they will make it safely to Wolf Creek with no problems (like freak blizzards.) Mom and I will probably do a lot of scrapbooking and talking. It'll be fun.

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