Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Update #2

Sorry it's been awhile. It takes time to make it to the computer, so I often just don't. I had my doctor's visit yesterday, and it turns out that when I do something, I do it well! The diagnosis is that I partially tore my MCL (which will fix itself), have some soft tissue damage, have a bone chip, have a fracture on the outside of my tibia, and my ACL, while still intact, is completely torn off of the bone. The doc said that I almost dislocated my knee. Cool, huh?

Monday at 3 is my surgery. My doc said that he hopes to be able to reattach my ACL to the bone with screws. If he can't, he'll have to reconstruct my ACL with part of my hamstring (from my other leg). Sounds quite scary, but he said he does it every day, and it wasn't a big deal. Obviously I'm just ready for the healing process to begin. I won't be able to walk on my leg for about 2 weeks after the surgery because of the fracture. But after that hopefully I'll be getting back to normal.

The good thing is that I'm not in any pain, other than my arms (from the crutches). My mom is planning to stay until next Thursday or Friday. She's been a big blessing. Mitch is home and has also been really great.

How's everyone else doing?

1 comment:

Harmony said...

Thanks for letting us know the latest. Keep us updated and keep healing.