Saturday, May 10, 2008


I knew these next few weeks were going to be crazy, and I was right. We've finally had a half a day to relax and just enjoy being together. Yesterday Mitch headed out to the canyon to go camping with some of our teen guys and other men in the congregation. They apparently played hard and have marks to prove it. Mitch came home exhausted but said they had a great time. I then asked him to turn over my garden so we could plant some tomatoes and peppers. Obviously I have a fantastic husband, because he did just that. And without complaining. (In case you're wondering, I'm updating for him since he hasn't done it for himself. ;)

Yesterday I had a good workout at physical therapy and also walked around Walmart for a while. My knee is definitely getting stronger, but I have a ways to go still. At least I can walk around and get things done.

Jacey has run a mild fever for the past few days. It hasn't gone above 99.8, and since she has no other symptoms, I'm pretty sure she's cutting teeth. She seems to chew on things and rub her gums with her tongue a lot (which is very cute). I'm kind of surprised it's taken a while, but I knew that's fairly normal. She did play hard today and was less fussy tonight. Hopefully we'll wake up with a new tooth tomorrow.

I hope that all of the moms out there have a great Mother's Day tomorrow! I want to wish my mom a happy, relaxing, and non-stressful day. I love you!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Thank you! I love you bunches. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day too. MOM