Monday, July 28, 2008

Baby Kisses

This past week we spent at Camp Blue Haven with a bunch of our kids. Jacey (and Mitch and I) loved seeing new people, and especially her grandparents. Camp is usually like vacation for us, since we're able to stay with Mitch's parents. It was definitely a much needed break from the normal routine. While we were there, Jacey blossomed a little more. She loved talking to anyone who would listen, and since she is totally adorable, she had many admiring listeners. As a result she learned 2 more words - Papa and bye bye - and both are amazingly clear. She also loved Grandma's cooking and ate more table food than she has yet. (As a side note, Grandma made cinnamon rolls for the whole camp...yumm!)

Grandma was the lucky recipient of Jacey's first kiss. It was small and quick, but a kiss nevertheless. Neither Mitch nor I had seen her interested in doing it again until tonight. We were just relaxing on our bed while she crawled and tumbled around when she looked at me with her tongue out and leaned towards my mouth. I politely kissed her and she smiled. She then did it again, but this time she made the smacking sound. Unfortunately she only knows how to make this sound with her tongue out. And as a result she kisses with her tongue. (Unless you don't know, Jacey has inheirited her father's amazingly long tongue.) It's totally precious, and she is so proud of herself. It'll be a moment I won't forget.

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