Saturday, December 8, 2007

The small things in life

As I sit here and enjoy my brownie and milk, I realized I have never honored the small things I love about living in Canyon. And so here they are, in no particular order:

1. Braum's. I have to admit that at first I wasn't all that impressed with their food and ice cream. Growing up in Nashville you learn to love Purity. However, Mitch and I decided one day that we needed to try Braum's whole milk. One word. Yum. And I'm not a big milk drinker at all! But now we go through about 2 gallons a week. I also love their ice cream. It's way better than Blue Bell, and cheaper too.
2. The mindset that a trip to Walmart is a "long" way. Walmart is on the edge of town, about 5 minutes from our house.
3. No traffic. People here talk about traffic problems. I even heard once on the news that Canyon had a traffic problem! To give them credit, there is a stoplight that has no turn signal, which is annoying. But not really a problem. When I go to a city I have to remember to have patience, since it takes forever to get through a stoplight.
4. Tascosa Hot Sauce. It has to be some of the best salsa I've ever had. The Panhandle of Texas doesn't have the best Mexican food around, but they definitely know what they're doing when it comes to salsa (and the chips that go with it.) It's cool too because it's made in Amarillo. My mom buys 3 or 4 big jars when she comes to take home with her.
5. Everyone puts up Christmas lights. The majority of the people on our street have put up lights of some sort. Mitch and I were feeling like the outcasts, so we went to Walmart and bought enough icicle lights to go around the house.


Harmony said...

There are good things everywhere we live. We just have to think about them sometimes to appreciate them. :)

Rebecca said...

I like Canyon for those reasons too, but could you move it about 950 miles closer?