Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Eve! We have had a very insane week, thus the lack of updates. But now we're home and being lazy, so here I go. We had a good weekend visit with Mitch's parents. We really enjoy when they come visit because we usually make it to a movie and dinner. This time we saw National Treasure, and I think it's fantastic. It's a great sequel. Today we spent our time relaxing and playing Super Mario Bros. III. Mitch downloaded it off the internet, and I'm having a blast. The only Nintendo I had access to was my granny's, and I had to fight all my cousins for a turn. Mitch is very patient with me when we play.

Jacey has definitely blossomed recently. Today she kept down a spoonful or two of cereal, much to the delight of her momma. Maybe we can start experimenting with eating food soon. We also finally found her a Bumbo chair. They had been recalled for a while, but now they're back! She had fun sitting a chewing on Dad's new loofah.


Kristina said...

Jacey has gotten so big! She's adorable!I bet you guys had fun with her this Christmas. We just found out today that we are having a girl! I hope you guys are still doing good! Talk to you later!!

Kelly said...

How long must we aunts and uncles wait for some Jacey updates? Come on. We want pictures!!!